Afros have really made a comeback since the 1970s. They're no longer only seen as a prop to complement a Halloween outfit (btw, halloween is in 3 weeks. Place your order by the end of this week to ensure that you receive it in time). At one time, wearing an afro was taboo but thanks to the natural hair movement, individuals have learned to reclaim the beauty that was always there. Around the mid to late 2000s, women began discovering their natural hair and falling in love with it. During this time natural hair vloggers set the stage for millions more around the world to understand what it meant to be a natural. Fast forward to 2021 and you will see at least one or two afros being sported on a Hollywood red carpet or on a model cat walking down runways of New York and Paris. At one point, afros would never have been a chosen style for a red carpet look but times have changed and design houses are making it a point to showcase beautiful big afros with their ...